Welcome to our Forum (Sign up for free!)

Welcome to The Wes Penre Forum.

Please join our community of like-minded thinkers on topics such as metaphysics and spirituality in general, so we can all expand our views!

You can sign up for free with a GUEST account and not pay anything!

You can then browse, read, post, and reply to certain categories on the forum together with Patrons from the Members Section.

The Members Section is then divided into two groups, Tier 1 and Tier 2-4, which refers to the level of Patronship they have as a Patron.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier4
$5/month $10/month $25/month $50/month

If you sign up for Tier 1, you get access to almost the entire forum, except a few categories that are reserved for Tier 2-4, who have access to the entire forum.

Patronship also includes many other benefits besides getting access to this forum.

Please check it out! Here is a link to Patreon: Wes Penre Productions is creating Informative Videos and Articles | Patreon .

We hope to see you after your registration!

Warm regards,
Wes Penre